We’ve heard it on the news, we’ve heard reports, witnessed a bruise here and there, seen a glare away when the topic surfaces, extra caked on makeup, different hairstyles to hide evidence or a bowed head to avoid a reveal in discussion. Domestic violence is all around us but are we really ready to combat it? More and more the terms narcissism, psychopath and/or sociopath are mentioned through podcasts, blogs, vlogs, movies, TV series, Talk Shows and more but are we really ready to discuss the truth behind the pain or come to someone’s rescue who is really in need? In a world where human rights including women's rights and trafficking are still huge issues to combat, do we really have a proper plan of action or the tools in place for improving our outlook on such verified insecurities and loveless challenges? Is there future hope and happiness for these victims?
Last Tuesday, January 9th, Randie O’Neil along with Filmmakers Teressa Mahoney and Johnny Chase went live to do a Behind the Scenes (BTS) of the lyric video, to discuss the song and bring awareness to the domestic violence platform in Unlock the Journey: Behind the Scenes of "Olivia". Both the song (distributed by BigRecords.World/Sony/Orchard) and lyric video hit all platforms on Friday, January 12th.
Lyric video: Olivia by Randie O’Neil
Although the story of Olivia hits home more than we may think, this piece is not a work of fiction. Randie O’Neil reveals that the character of Olivia, a waitress (played by Janel Mackaravitzis in her lyric video) being stocked by her male friend (cameoed by Rocker Johnny Chase) portrays the reality of victims of domestic violence. The truth behind ‘Olivia’ struck a musical chord in her heart. “A person who goes to work, goes about her daily living and is "happy goes lucky" until she's not. It’s such a common thing to be stocked or violated in today's world but no one likes to talk about it.”
O`Neil’s vision commenced while rebranding and reinventing her new album. She mentions in her BTS that this was to be a “murder ballad” and ``it wasn’t rolling out for her as planned``. She started the idea for the song with names such as Maryann and Louise, and after much digression, she Googled the most popular name and Olivia was revealed. It was the last song to be recorded for her EP and her Producers wanted to hear something more upbeat.
O`Neil wants you to ‘get ready to dive deep into the making of a powerful narrative`. The creation of her latest video, "Olivia" was shot at Palmer Diner in Easton, PA, where she explores her subjects as an on-looker over a couples quarrel; and as most do, judging without intervention. During their live recording, they explored the creative process, the emotions, and the dedication that was poured into bringing this impactful story to life.
EPK with all links on where to purchase your download of ``Olivia``.
Randie O`Neil on HivedMusic.com
Source: Jenny DuHaime and Randie O'Neil
Info: Jenny DuHaime, JETSet Music Media, [email protected]
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#mentalhealth #domesticviolence #awareness #randieoneil #JETSetMM #HivedMusic #BigRecords #TeressaMahoney #JohnnyChase #BTS #behindthescenes#singersongwriter #singer #Olivia #Americana #folk #pop #palmerdinerEastonPA #stocker #violence #trafficking #saveme