OTEL Music Videos on ROKU has a collaboration opportunity with Radio Stations and Radio Shows.
Check out our newest additions:
If you have a Music Video on our channel, go to our Radio Station & Radio Show Collaboration page:
Scroll through our listing and whichever shows fit your genre, submit you meta tagged mp3. Some shows also offer interview opportunities!!
We have a total of 9 Collaborations and more coming!
Some of these shows are syndicated on over 100 stations (or more) and there is a listenership of over 1 million + through all of these collaborations.
Genres accepted:
Rock, Country, Alternative, Pop, Metal, Americana, Roots, Pop, American Folk, Bluegrass, Gospel, Oldies, and Punk.
Trevor & Eileen
ROKU - OTEL Music Videos
YouTube - Ordinary to Extraordinary Life
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#OTELUniverse #rokutv #collaborations #onlineradio #trevorbild #eileenbild #trevor&eileenbild #otelmusicvideos #Music #indiemusic #indieartists #interviews #ordinarytoextraordinarylife #daniperroshow #blackdogradionetwork #nbrnonline #daniperro #philkrantz #keithbradford #radio #radioshow #radiostation #plowzone #ontheranch #BLASTRadio247 #TheKaydenGordonShow #BACKSTAGEPASS #GlobalIndieswithMarky #dannyraysmithjr #troysaha #scottreece #randieoneil #kaydengordon #BrandonMorrell
Source: Eileen Bild, OTEL Universe, [email protected]
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