Don't miss the filming of RiseUP TV.
The cast and crew are rolling into Monte's Showbar Grill in Dartmouth Nova Scotia on Tuesday June 7th for a great night of music.
Montes Showbar Grill - Live Entertainment, Dartmouth, NS
Montes Showbar Grill | Facebook
Montes Showbar Grill Now you can follow us on Twitter @MontesBarGrill
" Where Friends Meet"
Past Shows -The Northern Pikes, Dr. Hook, April Wine, Trooper, The Box, Helix. The Headpins, Garrett Mason, The Police Experience, Sandman( Metallica Tribute) and many more.
This show is 19+
Doors open at 3
Show starts at 7
$10 at the Door
The cast and crew cant wait to see you.